Assassin's Creed Fanon

That is one long name. Poison Jam (talk) 07:20, May 18, 2014 (UTC)

Yes very. He is meant to be Tamil hence the long ass surname. LOL. --Chilliam00 (talk) 13:24, May 18, 2014 (UTC)

He must be super gay, according to his extremely long surename... Poison Jam (talk) 15:07, May 18, 2014 (UTC)

Nah man he ain't. Length of names do not represent someone's sexuality. Look at Elton John, short ass name and is not straight. --Chilliam00 (talk) 20:29, May 18, 2014 (UTC)

They seem gay to me. Poison Jam (talk) 06:07, May 19, 2014 (UTC)
